Custom Configure Enesgy Documents

See how Enesgy Documents Advanced may be the right solution for you.

Organize and Find Documents by Description or Location

Search by area on the map to find all documents related to projects in that area, search by keyword or classification to identify documents anywhere within your facility, or combine the two for the most powerful search possible.

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Link Any Type of Document to the Map

Store or link to any file type, such as CAD, photos, reports, or scanned documents, to a specific area on the map. Spatially-reference documents in an existing document management system or associate websites and web documents to map areas.


You Control How Documents are Stored

Store documents in your Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) of choice such as SharePoint, Documentum, FileNet, or Laserfiche, on a local network drive, or in the Enesgy Document Store in the cloud.

Deployment Options


No GIS Needed

Works without your facilities being mapped in GIS. It can enhance an existing GIS, or it can kick-start a GIS program in a gradual, affordable way, with immediate ROI from day one.

Cataloging Documents is a Crucial First Step to Building or Enhancing a GIS System

Interested in building a GIS system from Enesgy Documents? Watch this presentation to learn about the sequence of cataloging documents, adding them to the map first without GIS intelligence, then with full conversion, to power your enterprise.