Enesgy Relies on Technology, Implementation, and Distribution Partners

Technology Partners

Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), based in Redlands, California, is the global leader in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping technology, and publisher of the ArcGIS platform of integrated software products, including ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online. Enesgy leverages tools from Esri including Web Maps, JavaScript API, ArcGIS Online user identity management, and it integrates Esri’s free and premium data content to meet customer needs.

VertiGIS, based in Victoria, British Columbia, is the publisher of the Geocortex suite of software, designed to extend Esri’s ArcGIS platform and help Esri’s clients get even more out of their software. Some Enesgy solutions leverage Geocortex Essentials software where we believe that it makes our solutions more affordable, more stable, and of greater flexibility to our clients.

Implementation and Distribution

NSGIS is currently in discussions with several firms both inside and outside the US to implement and distribute our software solutions to clients in their geographic areas or in their areas of professional expertise. If you are interested in becoming an implementation or distribution partner, please contact us.